Thursday 22 June 2023

Laughter and Mental Health: Can Laughing for Just 10 Minutes Make a Difference?


Laughter is often considered the best medicine, and for good reason. Not only does it make us feel good in the moment, but it also has numerous benefits for our mental health. In today's fast-paced and stressful world, finding moments of genuine laughter can be a powerful tool in improving our overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the connection between laughter and mental health and discover whether laughing for just 10 minutes can truly make a positive difference.

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The Science Behind Laughter:

Laughter is a natural response to humor or joy, and it involves a complex interplay of physiological and psychological processes. When we laugh, our brain releases endorphins, which are the body's natural feel-good chemicals. These endorphins promote a sense of happiness, reduce stress levels, and provide temporary pain relief. Additionally, laughter increases the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, further enhancing our mood.

Laughter and Stress Reduction:

Stress is a prevalent issue in modern life and can have detrimental effects on our mental health. However, laughter can be a powerful antidote to stress. When we laugh, it triggers the relaxation response in our bodies, helping to reduce the levels of stress hormones like cortisol. Just a few minutes of laughter can provide an immediate sense of relaxation, helping us feel more calm and centered.

Laughter as an Emotional Release:

Emotions play a significant role in our mental health, and laughter can serve as an effective outlet for emotional release. Laughing allows us to express joy, happiness, and even release tension or frustration. It provides a healthy channel for processing emotions and can help alleviate feelings of sadness, anger, or anxiety. Engaging in laughter can create a positive shift in our emotional state, leading to improved overall mental well-being.

Social Connection and Laughter:

Laughter is often a social activity, and the bonds formed through shared laughter can have profound effects on our mental health. Laughing with others creates a sense of connection, fosters a supportive environment, and strengthens relationships. It can reduce feelings of loneliness and enhance a sense of belonging, which are crucial for maintaining good mental health. Engaging in laughter together promotes positive social interactions and can create a ripple effect of happiness among individuals and communities.

Can Laughing for Just 10 Minutes Make a Difference?

While the idea of laughing for just 10 minutes may seem simplistic, research suggests that even short bursts of laughter can have significant benefits for mental health. Studies have shown that just a few minutes of genuine laughter can enhance mood, reduce stress, improve immune function, and increase pain tolerance. Incorporating laughter into our daily routine, whether through funny videos, jokes, or spending time with humorous individuals, can make a noticeable difference in our overall well-being.


Laughter has remarkable effects on our mental health and well-being. It reduces stress, promotes emotional release, strengthens social connections, and improves overall mood. Even dedicating just 10 minutes a day to genuine laughter can have a positive impact on our mental health. So, let's embrace the joy of laughter, seek out humor in our lives, and share moments of laughter with others. Remember, a good laugh can truly be a powerful tool in nurturing and maintaining optimal mental health.

source: chatgpt

Monday 27 March 2023

Wisdom Teeth Removal - How to Ease Pain After The Operation


Removal of the wisdom teeth is a very crucial process for people who experience conflicts due to misplaced molars. In many cases, a wisdom tooth needs to be removed because its growth causes the other neighboring teeth to get misaligned from their roots. The result is excruciating pain. In some instances, the newly grown molars cause a hollow area to develop between the gums. This hollow area becomes a dwelling place and incubation haven for bacteria to grow, causing further dental decay and bad odour.

Are you worried about wisdom tooth extraction pain? Consult with Dr Kochar's Dental Clinic for cost and procedure of painless wisdom tooth removal in chandigarh.

Thus, it is unquestionable that wisdom tooth removal is necessary, but a lot of people refuse to do it because they fear pain. The truth is that during the dental process itself, there is very little to no pain at all. The dental professional will use numbing agents and in some instances, sedation substances, to prevent the patient or client from experiencing any pain.

Dental patients should not be at all concerned about the actual operation. They should be more concerned and prepared with what will happen after the procedure.

In the days immediately following the dental removal session, it is very common for patients to experience pain on the area where the tooth was removed. This is to be expected because the swelling is still there. Pain is body’s way of defending itself, so while the gums are healing from the teeth extraction procedure made, it is very common to experience painful sensations.

Instead of trying out various pain remedies and unnatural medication, try to do these pain removing techniques:

1. Use salt on the affected area. For pain around the area where the teeth was removed, gently apply salt on the gums. This helps clean the area, as well as suppress any bacteria to grow. Salt is a natural antiseptic, so keep it close to you in trying times.

2. Rinse your mouth every three or four hours or so. Typically, we only wash our mouth after meals. But when you are undergoing a healing process for your oral health, make it a point to wash your mouth more often, ideally using an oral antiseptic. Also, avoid menthol antiseptics or mouthwashes that are too strong.

3. Use the right amount of aspirin. If the pain gets extreme to the point that you can no longer handle it, try drinking just the right amount of aspirin. This should help balance the pain sensation you are feeling. You may also ask your dentist for a prescription for pain medication.

Source :

The Dreaded Dental Surgery - Wisdom Tooth Removal


Removal of wisdom teeth is among the most feared dental procedures. Every person has heard a horror story about dry socket or infections that occurred immediately after the removal of wisdom teeth. remove wisdom teeth people today never comprehend is the fact that wisdom tooth removal could be very simple and discomfort free of charge if completed early sufficient. Most dentists will monitor the growth and placement of these teeth through the teen years. They will propose removal when the time is appropriate based on the patient's age plus the development on the teeth. It's important to keep on track with regular dental checkups to be sure these teeth are removed in the optimal time.

If you are looking for wisdom tooth removal in chandigarh, reach out for an appointment at our dental clinic in chandigarh.

Wisdom teeth ordinarily erupt in between the ages of 17 and 24. There are usually 4 teeth that are available in, two on major and two on bottom. A number of people under no circumstances get all 4 teeth in a situation called hypodontia. Wisdom teeth are identified as third molars because they are in the back on the mouth behind the second molars. Dentists usually propose removal of these teeth early on to prevent significant dental complications that may arise as time goes by. The older a patient is, the extra tough removal is usually since the teeth are much more firmly attached to the jaw. What need to be a basic dental procedure gets significantly extra difficult the longer it can be neglected.

Removal of wisdom teeth is suggested on account of the lack of space on the jaw for this extra tooth. wisdom tooth extraction is not huge enough for these additional teeth and as a result, the rest of your teeth will wind up getting really crowded. A lot of instances the tooth will develop in sideways or at an angle as a consequence of the limited space and curvature in the jaw. When this happens, the tooth is regarded as to become impacted and complications can arise. Impacted wisdom teeth can harm the teeth subsequent to them and demand further dental procedures to fix the adjacent teeth. Infections can also arise as food can get trapped between the crowded teeth or beneath the gums exactly where it can be tougher to floss.

It is actually up to the patient to make a wisdom teeth removal to wisdom tooth extraction teeth removed, on the other hand, most dentists will encourage removal though it is actually nonetheless a basic dental process. Complications can arise if wisdom teeth will not be removed in the suggested time. The older the patient, the higher the danger of nerve damage following the procedure. Consequently, paresthesia, or numbness from the chin, lips, or tongue can occur. Paresthesia can last from several days to various months. This condition is uncommon in teenagers and as high as 10% in people today older than 35. Cysts and tumors can also create if provided adequate time. To not mention that the healing procedure will probably be a great deal faster and less complicated on younger individuals.

When wisdom tooth extraction could be a basic and discomfort totally free dental encounter, there are dangers of complications irrespective of the patient's age. Dry Socket is definitely the most typical complication. In dry socket, the blood clot has become dislodged in the hole where the tooth was. This situation is extremely painful and will not be easily alleviated with pain drugs. Patients are encouraged not to smoke or drink out of straws to avoid dry socket. Abscess, swelling, soreness and excessive bleeding are also other possible complications. The dentist can evaluate any troubles knowledgeable and either advocate further dental remedies or prescribe antibiotics or painkillers.

Source :

Friday 17 March 2023

Think You Know Your Teeth? 10 Facts That Will Still Surprise You


People tend to take their teeth for granted. It is only when problems start cropping up in the form of excruciating pain do they realize the foolhardiness of their ways. If you thought that teeth are just to chew, talk and smile, then you are in for a major surprise. Here are 10 amazing facts about teeth that you probably did not know.

Dr Ankit desai is one of the leading best dentist in surat, with years of experience in this field. You can consult with Dr Ankit desai at our dental clinic or book an appointment on call.

Enamel Is the Hardest Part of a Human Body

Enamel is the toughest part of a human body and as hard as a copper bullet. However, it does not mean that it is impervious to damage. Enamel can easily dent and chip if not taken proper care of. It also tends to develop tiny cracks to diffuse pressure created while chewing, thereby safeguarding the teeth from breaking.

Babies Are Often Born With Teeth

Believe it or not, 1 in every 2000 babies is actually born with teeth. Mostly doctors have it removed so that mothers don't experience pain during breastfeeding and also to prevent babies from accidentally swallowing it, in case a tooth falls out.

Dental Implants Are Made From Space Shuttle Material

We all know that dental implants are made from titanium, but did you know that this exact material is also used in building space shuttles? This little information is enough to prove that your dental implants are exceptionally strong.

Haphazard Teeth Are Sexy

Hard to believe but not all cultures find even teeth appealing. Chinese people are so obsessed with an uneven tooth that they actually pay to get their perfect set of teeth crooked. Perfection is no longer hot this season, imperfection is.

You Can Never Get Cavities with Dental Crowns

Irrespective of how messed up your eating habits are, your dental crowns will never get cavities, unlike your natural teeth. However, this does not mean you go slack with your oral hygiene. If not for your teeth, you definitely need adhere to the basic routine to keep bad breath in check.

Gingivitis Is Common in Pregnant Women

Due to the entire shift in their hormonal balance, pregnant women are more prone to suffering from inflammation of gums. Next time you find your sensitive tissue causing irritation, seek assistance of a dentist immediately.

Humans Have Four Types of Teeth

Humans use four types of teeth including incisors, canine, premolars and molars to chew, cut, and grind through food. Unlike wild animals, we have only two sets of teeth – baby and permanent.

Chinese Used Ancient Incantations to Relive Dental Pain

During those gray ancient days, when antibiotics were still not a reality, Chinese people used to write incantations in parchments and wrap it around their decayed tooth to relieve pain. They used to believe that the divine power of the incantations would do the trick and save their life.

Sour Can Be Equally Bad As Sweet

It is not just the sweets that corrode your teeth, but food that are high on acid and low on PH can be equally destructive. If you have to eat sour food, have it with the main meal. The acidic impact is minimised when consumed with other food.

Greek Used Pliers to Remove Teeth

If you thought sitting through a dentist examination is painful, wait until you get the gist of this. Ancient Greek people did not have access to hi-tech dentistry tools that we do today and hence, went the hard way to do the business. If evidence is to be believed, pliers were the preferred tool to extract the rotted tooth.

Source :

Friday 10 February 2023

Revealed - Top Foods You Didn't Know Were Causing Cavities In Your Kids

As we've discussed before, foods that are rich in starch and sugar are the most likely to cause cavities. Here are a few culprits that you ought to look out for:

SmyleXL dental clinic in Viman Nagar offers all types of dental treatments like root canal, teeth dental implants, cosmetic dentistry etc.

Soft, white bread, buns and rolls

The white variety of bread, buns and rolls are made up of simple carbohydrates and when these are exposed to the action of saliva in the mouth, they are quickly broken down into sugars. In turn, these sugars rapidly get converted into sugar acids, eating away at the tooth enamel. These foods have another property when wet, they tend to grow very sticky and this means, they are more likely to stay lodged within the mouth for longer, causing greater damage. If your kid is in the habit of eating these starchy foods with jam, the problem is worse, because the jam is a concentrated source of sugar and sticky as well, and can greatly enhance the risk of dental cavities.

Pasta, pizza and burgers

Pasta and pizza the favourite snack of most kids nowadays is made mainly of plain flour or maida; this is very low in fiber and nutrient content and therefore, does not provide much nutritional value. Unfortunately, it is made up almost entirely of simple carbohydrates that easily get converted into sugar and then, sugar acids. The pizza and burger may contain some vegetables but they are very less in proportion to the starch content and thus, any benefit they may provide is offset by the starchy content.

Fruit juice

Fruit juice contains fruit, but it also contains an unhealthy amount of sugar that is added to make the juice tasty. When children drink fruit juice, some of it stays stuck to the surface of the teeth and over time, gets converted into sugar acids.

Soft drinks and sports drinks

Like fruit juice, soft drinks and sports drinks too contain a large quantity of sugar and this is bad for the teeth. What makes them worse is the fact that they have fewer minerals and nutrients as compared to the fruit juice. Soft drinks of the cola variety also contain caffeine and this can be very stimulating for kids who first feel highly energetic and as the effect wears off, they get extremely exhausted, too.

Chocolates, candies, lollipops

Most kids snack on candies, lollipops and chocolates and these are one of the major culprits when it comes to dental cavities. Not only do they contain a lot of sugar, these also stay in the mouth for a long time and therefore, tend to form a sticky film on the teeth. As the bacterial in the mouth get to act on the sugar, there is a greater probability of the sugar acid getting in intimate contact with the tooth, increasing the chances of decay. Gummy candies and chocolates find their way towards the molars where the child sucks on them slowly; this area is not as accessible during brushing and it is highly likely that the sticky mass stays stuck to the tooth for much longer, leading to tooth decay.

In other words, although we are witnessing a sea change in the food habits of kids today, it is important to recognize that modern foods are a danger to dental health because they can cause cavities. Indeed, a recent survey conducted by the market research firm GFK Mode shows that Indian mothers as well as dentists are increasingly concerned about the prevalence of cavities in children.

Commissioned by Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited, the survey found that not only modern day foods but also everyday foods like rice, dal and fruits that lodge within the mouth and produce sugar acids are responsible for cavities. Therefore, it is vital to have some method of combating these sugar acids and this is where Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection plus Sugar Acid Neutralizers can help. This toothpaste fightssugar acids by neutralizing them and therefore, brushing with it helps in keeping cavities away.

source: thehealthsite